Our last day on the Costa Deliziosa (Day 31 | 2014-09-27)

All the weight I lost in Spain I have gained back on this ship. To counteract this, Valerie and I have been limiting our meals 3 courses instead of 4 and ignoring the bread rolls. I’m confident that this approach is working because now I feel hungry between meals (an odd feeling on a cruise ship).

Tomorrow, we are disembarking the ship. We already bought a train ticket to Castiglione del Lago for 11:10am, so we need to get off the ship by about 10:00am to make it to the train station on time.

One thought on “Our last day on the Costa Deliziosa (Day 31 | 2014-09-27)

  1. Janie

    What have happened since 9/27? Looking forward to the new postings.

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