Daily Archives: 2014-06-08

Exit Glacier & SeaLife Center (RV day 19 : Thu Jun 5)

Today, we visited to Exit Glacier in the Kenai Fjords National Park. Exit Glacier is the only part of the park publicly accessible by road. After listening to a brief historical talk by one of the rangers, we took a hike up to the edge of the glacier. Due to safety concerns, we were not allowed to walk up to the glacier’s edge, but rather to a fence about 70 feet away. As we approached the fence, a very friendly park volunteer talked about the glacier and how it has changed during his lifetime.

After our hike, we drove back to Seward and ate a late lunch at Ray’s Waterfront near the small boat harbor. Originally, we planned to visit the Alaska SeaLife Center earlier in the day, but Valerie’s dad discovered that admission was half-off after 8pm, so we rested in the RV until the appointed time. The Alaska SeaLife Center was a great opportunity to see the marine animals close up. Valerie really liked the sea bird exhibit (mostly because of the puffins). The exhibit had both an above ground and below ground viewing area so she could watch the puffins waddle on land and dive below the surface of the water. While Valerie was looking at puffins, I admired some harbor seals that were napping in their enclosure.