2012-10-21 – Palermo

Today’s stop is in Palermo, the capital of Sicily.  As soon as we disembarked from the ship, we were approached by several men offering tours and taxi rides for 40 Euro, then 30 Euro, then 20 Euro, and probably even cheaper rates that we couldn’t hear as we walked away.  As we walked to the Cathedral, our first stop, we were almost continuously approached by rickshaws and taxis that all really wanted to give us a ride.  Valerie started looking at the ground rather than at the sights to avoid accidentally making eye contact with a taxi driver who might then stop in traffic to ask if we needed a ride.  After the cathedral, we walked to the nearby palace, which had unfortunately closed half an hour earlier at 12:15.  We headed back to the ship and picked up some really terrible Sicilian pizza on the walk back.  We’re probably never going to come back to Palermo.

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