2012-10-25 – Malaga

(For ease of typing, I’m omitting all diacritics from my blog posts. Sorry if that causes any confusion.)

Our second stop in Spain is Malaga. Malaga also has a castle, but once again, it is more like a fortress than a medieval royal residence. As we walked through the castle, we heard loud booms from just outside the castle walls. Valerie thought it might be gunshots and I thought it was cannon fire. We were both wrong. Rather, a large group of protesters had gathered outside nearby city hall with signs, horns, and something that made a very large boom. I’m not sure what they were protesting, but they certainly made a lot of noise doing it.

For lunch, we found another Spanish tapas place while walking toward the Glass and Crystal Museum. The tapas were good, but not as good as Sento. Alas, by the time we reached the museum, there wasn’t enough time to take the tour, so we headed back to the ship in the pouring rain.

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