Hello/Bonjour! Waterton Lakes National Park (RV day 6 : Fri May 23)

Today was our first day driving the RV into Canada. The Canadian border agent mentioned that he saw a lot of the Great Alaskan Holidays RVs passing though his tiny border checkpoint on Chief Mountain Highway.

Since we drove directly from Glacier National Park to Waterton Lakes National Park, we didn’t stop by an ATM to pick up Canadian money. Luckily, this was no problem as Parks Canada/Parcs Canada takes Visa for park entrance fees and campground fees.

Our campsite was just outside of Waterton town. Unlike American national parks, Canadian national parks have towns inside of them with homes, restaurants, and other stores. We walked to a nearby restaurant called Wieners of Waterton that sold tasty hot dogs, sausages, and poutine. Afterward, we made a quick loop of the town. We found a WiFi hotspot near the playground and Valerie purchased our plane tickets home.

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