2012-09-11 – Stonehenge, Avebury, and the Cotswolds

Today, we took an all-day tour of Stonehenge and the Cotswolds with Mad Max tours. The tour leader John was an excellent driver and guide with a penchant for saying “something worth noting”. Stonehenge is smaller than I expected, but the audio tour is informative. For those who don’t like audio tours, you can get just as good a view for free by stopping on the side of the motorway. Avebury (another henge with stones) has some nice advantages over Stonehenge: visitors can walk right up to the stones and touch them, it’s free, and there are fewer crowds.

The villiages of the Cotswolds were quaint, old, and owned entirely by the Historical Trust. There wasn’t really much to do in them except look at the old architecture and eat at the local pub.

One thought on “2012-09-11 – Stonehenge, Avebury, and the Cotswolds

  1. Dad

    Remember the blog rules: Every day for the first week. Two entries for the second week. One entry the third week. Nothing after that.
    Same rules for pictures.

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