2012-09-12 – Travel to Oslo

In the original plan, we were planning to depart for London on Sunday 9/9. However, when we got an earlier flight, Valerie decided to squeeze a trip to Scandinavia into the schedule. Today, we flew from LHR to Oslo. When we arrived at the airport, we took the opportunity to activate our Eurail passes (valid for 1 month). The NSB (Norway rail) reps were all very helpful, curteous, and spoke excellent English. Alas, I expect that this will not be the case in all future countries.

Tonight, we’re staying in the Gruner Apartments in Oslo. When we arrived, the instructions on the door instructed us to call a number to check in. Luckily, I had a cell phone. Unluckily, I had not reseached how to dial a Norweigan phone number. Luckily, after about 10 minutes, some passersby with a Norwegian phone called the number for us. I guess people in Norway are nice. Alas, I expect that this will not be the case in all future countries.

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