Talkeetna (Post-RV day 7 : Sat Jun 14)

Originally, we planned to stay 2 nights in Talkeetna before heading back to Anchorage. However, Valerie’s research suggested that there isn’t enough stuff to do in Talkeetna to fill two days, so we amended our plans to just stop by the town for lunch. We ate some delicious pasties at the Talkeetna Roadhouse where we met two families from Wasilla who drove all the way over just for the pie. After lunch, we weren’t quite ready for pie, so we hiked a few minutes along the Talkeetna River and then to the remains of an old barn in town. I’m not sure why there was a historical trail to the barn remains, but the hike was a nice way to pass the time. Afterward, we stopped by Naglee’s General Store to see feline mayor Mr. Stubbs, but he was nowhere to be seen. To cheer ourselves up, we headed back for some tasty pie at the Roadhouse. On our way out of town, we stopped by the Flying Squirrel Bakery and bought some cookies and a vegan brownie (all of which was delicious).

Tonight, we’re staying at the same cabin in the same B&B in Wasilla and luckily had much more success lighting the wood stove than last time.

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