Anchorage (Post-RV day 9 : Mon Jun 16)

Before leaving Girdwood, we headed to the Winner Creek Trail near Crow Creek Mine. Part of this trail consists of a hand tram across a river. Valerie was excited to try the hand tram since we missed the one in Homer. Unlike the hand tram in “Out of the Wild”, this tram was very well maintained and looked quite safe. We took turns pulling ourselves across and then walked about a quarter mile to the Winner Creek Gorge before making the return trip.

On our way out of town, we stopped by Indian Valley Meats, a shop famous for their caribou sausages. We ate some of the spicy caribou sausage for lunch before heading to Anchorage. We have been avoiding staying in Anchorage for the past few weeks because hotel prices in the city are much higher than pretty much higher than anywhere else we’ve been in Alaska. However, since our flight leaves at 07:00 tomorrow morning, there was little choice for our final night.

Tonight, we’re staying at the Anchorage Walkabout Town B&B. This B&B has bikes available for free checkout, so we took a ride along the Tony Knowles Coastal Trail. After our ride, we were hungry so we drove to the nearby Bear Tooth TheatrePub and Grill, which as its name suggests, is a theatre and a pub and a grill. Sadly, we had no time for a movie and only were able to experience the grill portion.

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