Our journey to the east begins (Day 0 | 2014-08-27)

Valerie and I are off on another exciting globetrotting adventure… is probably what I would say if I liked to travel. We’ve begun our long journey to the east! Our first stop is Chicago where we’ll be staying for the next three days. Our flight pulled into the gate around 8:40pm, about half an hour behind schedule. While I didn’t mind the delay, I fear that many of our fellow passengers missed their connecting flights because of it.

We’re staying at the Swissotel in downtown Chicago. It’s about a half mile slightly uphill walk from the Loop. By the time we made it to the hotel, most of the restaurants nearby were closed, so we walked to Bockwinkels, a nearby grocery store / deli and picked up some microwavable dinner and snacks for tomorrow’s breakfast.

Tomorrow, we will probably try to eat some delicious Chicago food at some fine eateries that do not require reservations (both because we don’t have any and because we don’t have any clothes fancy enough to eat at a place that does).

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