Chicago (Day 1 | 2014-08-28)

Coincidentally, Belinda and Joe were also in Chicago today. We met up with them for lunch at Seven on State, the slightly upscale food court in Macys. Afterward, we walked around Millennium Park. Valerie and I had already seen the “bean” (not its official name) before, so we focused our attention on the “face fountain” (also not its official name), a pair of pillars that display pictures of faces which “spit” water at children who are playing near the fountain. We picked up some beverages from a nearby coffee shop and headed at a comic book store. Belinda purchased several graphic novels, which Valerie and I hope to read when we return to the Bay Area.

We eventually split up from Belinda and Joe and went to Lou Malnati’s for some delicious deep dish pizza. They were able to make a pie with no cheese on half of it so Valerie could eat it too. For dessert, I had a cookie pizza, also delicious.

Tomorrow, we’re going to try to eat some more yummy Chicago food and see a show.

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