Segovia (Day 6 | 2014-09-02)

Some of the online reviews that Valerie has read say that Segovia can be seen in a 3 hour daytrip. They are correct.

There are three major attractions in Segovia: the cathedral, the alcazar, and the aqueduct. The cathedral is a lot like other mid-size cathedrals in Europe. Its main draws are that it is close to the center of town and it is technically free to enter (although a small donation is requested). The alcazar is an old castle on a hill and is much like other castles on hills except more Moorish. For an extra 2 euro, one can make the exhausting climb to the top of the tower for a slightly better view. Finally, the ancient Roman aqueduct is a fairly impressive feat of engineering, but we could not figure out how to view the top of it up close. (Although we saw what looked like a person on top of it, so it is possible.)

We have noticed that many restaurants offer a “typical” menu from the area (where typical seems to refer to local specialties). Valerie was excited to try roasted suckling pig, a typical food of Segovia. At the restaurant we visited, the meal also included local beans, local soup, and a bottle of wine.

We are staying at the Hotel Don Felipe, which is a pretty darn nice hotel for being located in the old town. Tomorrow, we are heading out early for Toledo and on Thursday we are heading to Sevilla.

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