2012-09-15 – Copenhagen

As we got off the ferry from Oslo, we saw a free shuttle bus departing for downtown Copenhagen. Without hesitation, we boarded this bus only to realize that (1) the bus was not heading in the desired direction and that (2) our hotel was only a few hundred meters from the ferry terminal. We quickly disembarked and then hopped on a Hop-On Hop-Off bus, which then proceeded to do an entire loop of downtown Copenhagen before we realized that it wouldn’t take us any closer to the hotel than when we boarded. (Note to anyone considering CitySightseeing’s HOHO bus in Copenhagen: if you can walk at least half a mile, consider skipping the HOHO bus and taking the trains or city buses.) Eventually we made it to Adina Apartment Hotel (which was quite nice) and tried to figure out what to do during our stay.

In his book “Europe through the Back Door”, European travel expert Rick Steves mentions that a great way to travel between continental Europe and Scandinavia is via Copenhagen. Unfortunately, when writing the book, he neglected to mention what travellers should do during their stay in Copenhagen. After a quick perusal of TripAdvisor, we decided to go to the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. Using his beer empire fortune, Carl (of Ny Carlsberg fame) purchased a great deal of sculptures and soon realized that he needed a place to put them. Naturally, the answer was to build a giant glyptotek in the middle of Copenhagen. And it’s pretty awesome. If you’re ever in Copenhagen, it’s worth an hour or two of your time.

The glyptotek happens to be right next to Tivoli, so we took a nighttime stroll through the amusement park (formerly gardens) after eating some dinner. We didn’t realize it until too late, but Tivoli has a good number of restaurants and shows inside of its gates. Valerie remarked on how similar it is to Downtown Disney, except that it costs money to get in.

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