Sevilla (Day 9 | 2014-09-05)

We slept in until noon and missed our included breakfast. Around 1pm, we headed out for lunch, which would probably be considered an early lunch by Spaniards. We shared a 5 tapas and .5L of sangria combo.

We finally started our sightseeing and visited the cathedral and the royal alcazar. The cathedral is the largest by surface area (according to the Guinness Book), but otherwise quite similar to other large cathedrals. The royal alcazar was even more Moorish and grander than the previous alcazars we have seen. Behind the alcazar is a large garden that would be lovely to stroll through on a warm evening. Alas, we had no time to stroll as it was time for our flamenco show.

The Casa del Flamenco show was a lot like other flamenco shows we’ve seen. There were one male and one female dancer, a guitarist, and a vocalist. The male dancer and guitarist were quite good.

Afterward, we walked to the Plaza de Espana, which Rick did not recommend but was rated highly on TripAdvisor. A beautiful landmark, it is definitely worth a visit, even if only for a couple of minutes.

It was getting late, so we headed to the restaurant directly outside our hotel and shared a plate and some drinks before going to bed.

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