Granada (Day 14 | 2014-09-10)

Our reservations for the Alhambra are not until tomorrow, so today we are doing all of the other sightseeing in Granada. After eating an early lunch at a tapas restaurant, we followed Rick Steves’s advice and took a public bus that circled the Sacramonte area. At some point along the route, the bus driver suggested that we get off and see the Sacramonte Caves Museum. The walk up to the museum was long and hot. What we found was a quaint open air folk museum of the gypsy population that previously inhabited the caves. After a refreshing beverage break, we trudged back down the hill and boarded the bus back to Plaza Nueva.

After a quick siesta, we walked around the Royal Chapel connected to the local cathedral. Its claim to fame are the tombs of Ferdinand and Isabel of Spain. Later in the evening, we took a bus to the crowded Saint Nicolas square where we attempted to watch the sunset and then took a Rick Steves walking tour of the area.

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