Madrid (Day 17 | 2014-09-13)

For our last day in Madrid, we treated ourselves to a fancy lunch at El Club Allard. The meal consisted of 9 courses with lots of molecular gastronomy tricks (foam, food that looks like other food, food that looks like non-food, etc.). It was quite delicious and definitely the most affordable 2 Michelin star restaurant we’ve dined at, but we were slightly disappointed. The food is Spain is quite good and cheap, so we expected expensive food to be even better, and it was, just not as much as we hoped for.

Most of the rest of the day was spent shopping for a new camera. Our relatively new Fujifilm camera broke in Granada, so we switched to our underwater camera as a backup. However, the underwater camera takes terrible overwater pictures, so we went shopping for a new point and shoot at several stores in the Madrid area. We finally found a not terrible deal for a Sony compact camera at FNAC near Plaza del Sol.

In the evening, we visited the Reina Sofia museum. It has a lot of art, including a collection of paintings by Dali, but its most famous piece is Picasso’s Guernica. I don’t appreciate fine art very much (especially impressionism and most everything that followed it), but Valerie tells me that the painting is quite large and impassioned.

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