Trastevere (Day 34 | 2014-09-30)

Valerie and I had seen the major sights in the center of Rome during our last visit, so this time we just strolled from our B&B to Trastevere, stopping at interesting churches along the way. The first church we visited was actually built on top of another church, which itself was built on top of another church. Outside this church, we got swindled by a guy accepting “donations for the church.” (We only ever get swindled in Italy. I wonder why…)

After walking past the coliseum, we tried to visit a church with a statue of Moses by Michelangelo, but it was unfortunately closed, so we continued our stroll. Once we reached Trastevere, we stopped for lunch at a place recommended by TripAdvisor.

Our last church of the day was the Basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano. It was surprisingly grand for a church that I hadn’t heard of before this visit. It is the oldest church in Rome, which is impressive for a city with so many historic churches.

Finally, we headed back to the B&B, picking up some pizza for dinner.

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