Drive to Wollongong (Day 56 | 2014-10-22)

We started the day with an awesome breakfast at our B&B, The Pommy Tree in Canberra. After eating, we visited Parliament House. Parliament was in session, but we didn’t have time to see it in action. However, we did accidentally stumble upon a viewing area for a committee hearing on Ebola. We stayed for a couple minutes before becoming bored enough to leave. Our next tourist stop in region was the NASA Canberra Deep Space Communications Complex, which is most famous for relaying Neil Armstrong’s first words from the moon. The giant satellite dish is impressive, but the visitor center is not and the complex is probably not worth the long drive for casual tourists.

On our drive to Wollongong, we made several stops along the way. Our first stop was the Minnamurra rainforest, but unfortunately it closed at 4:30pm and we arrived at 4:50pm. Our next stop was the Kiama blowhole, a rock formation at the ocean’s edge that shoots up water like a blowhole. Unfortunately, the blowhole was not very blowy today, so we continued to Bombo beach and then Minnamurra beach for some quick sightseeing. Finally, we arrived at our B&B for the night in Bulli.

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