2012-09-22 – Berner Oberland

Switzerland is beautiful. It was too dark to see last night, but the rivers that flow between Interlaken and Unterseen are an amazing turquoise. I wanted to walk up and touch the 2 degree Celsius water, but I was deterred by the many signs warning about how glacier water can be deadly (they neglected to mention why). On the advice of Chris, we took a train to see the Aareschlucht, a river gorge located just outside of Meiringen. The walk along the schlucht is about a kilometer or two long and mostly handicap accessible (a feature that I value in hiking trails).

Afterward, we tried to visit the Swiss open air museum near Brienz, but gave up after it started raining heavily. Instead, we ate at a Swiss restaurant for dinner and headed back to the hotel to get some rest and book some hotels for Berlin and Prague.

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