2012-09-23 – Berner Oberland, continued

We took the Rick Steves journey up to Schilthorn today. Schilthorn’s main claim to fame is being the location for the many ski chase scenes in the James Bond movie “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service”. We started our journey in Lauterbrunnen, took the gondola to Grutschalp, walked to Murren, took the gondolas to Schilthorn and back down to Stechelberg, took a bus to Trummelbach Falls, and then walked back to Lauterbrunnen. Schilthorn was pretty, but there was no snow. Trummelbach Falls, which boasts 10 cascading waterfalls, is quite spectacular and definitely worth a visit for those staying in Berner Oberland. On the walk back, we saw a a great number of cows wearing large Swiss cowbells. Despite what the commercials say, the cows in Switzerland seem a lot happier than the cows in California.

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