The BC System of Time Measurement

As this trip has progressed, I’ve developed a calendar system based around the start of our cruise.  Day zero is the start of our cruise (October 15).  Days before departure are known as BC (before cruise).  Days after departure are known as AD (after departure).  For example, October 5 is 10 [days] BC.

For those who are interested, below is a list of the remainder of our planned travels BC:

  • 12 BC – 11BC : Vienna
  • 10BC – 8BC : Venice
  • 8BC – 5BC : Cinque Terre
  • 5BC – 3BC : Siena
  • 3BC – 0 : Rome

One thought on “The BC System of Time Measurement

  1. Janie

    This system is rather complicated to me but I can sense that you are really looking forward to the day zero.

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